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As per requirements in the Accessible BC Act, our school district has made available a way for the public to provide feedback on our Accessibility Plan and any barriers faced when interacting with building sites and program services within SD27.

Key themes of the Act specific to Education:

  • Increase visibility of those with disabilities.
  • Develop targeted education and training programs.
  • Increase integration in schools.
  • Focus on accessibility, empathy, and sensitivity training.

Important Definitions from the Act

Disability: An inability to participate fully and equally in society as a result of the interaction of an impairment and a barrier.

Barrier: Essentially, anything that hinders the full and equal participation in society of a person with an impairment.

Impairment: A physical, sensory, mental, intellectual, or cognitive impairment which is permanent, temporary, or episodic.

What are examples of barriers to accessibility?

  • Attitudinal: when people think and act based upon false assumptions.
  • Physical: when obstacles in an environment make access difficult.
  • Information or Communication: when people with disabilities are excluded because they use other ways to communicate.
  • Systemic: when an organization’s policies, practices, and procedures result in exclusion.
  • Technology: when technology can’t be accessed by people with disabilities.
  • Sensory: when sensory information such as lights, sounds, smells, etc. prevent participation in the environment.

Public Feedback

Please use the Feedback Form link below to provide feedback. Senior management in SD27 will review the information you provide and share it with the Northern BC School District Accessibility Committee. Your feedback will be considered when planning for accessibility improvements throughout the district and in future versions of the Northern BC School District Accessibility Plan.

What are other sources of information about the Accessible BC Act?

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