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Policies and Bylaws

shutterstock_670090111%20(1).jpgAll organizations, as a requirement of incorporation, are required to establish Bylaws in respect to specific matters. These are usually matters that relate to the functioning of the board and its relationship to members. General policies should also be established by the Board of Education and are subject to change at any time. It is in the interest of most voluntary and non-profit organizations to limit the number of formal Bylaws and focus attention on creating key policies. This gives the Board of Education the flexibility and opportunity to identify the organizational practices that are important to the Board in such a way that they can be easily modified when the need arises. This is often referred to as “governing by policy.”

In 2019 the District undertook a policy review process to identify obsolete or outdated policies. Policies were reviewed to ensure consistency, efficacy, and alignment with current best practices, technology, and legislation. Several policies were amended or repealed, and new policies developed. Policy sections were renamed and re-numbered 100 through 700. The policy sections numbered 3000 to 6000 are policies that are still in effect, but scheduled for review. Concurrent to this policy review process was a review of all administrative procedures. While the Board of Education establishes policies, Administrative procedures are developed by staff to provide clear direction on District practices and procedures. Administrative procedures can be found here


Policy Section 100 - Governance

Policy Section 200 - Communications & Engagement

Policy Section 300 - Students, Instruction and School Operations

Policy Section 5000 - Students 

Policy Section 400 - Human Resources

Policy Section 4000 - Personnel 

Policy Section 500 - Health and Safety

Policy Section 600 - Finance and Business Operations

Policy Section 3000 - Business and Non-Instructional

Policy Section 700 - Facilities and Transportation

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