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International or Non-Resident Students

91Ë¿¹ÏÊÓƵ. 27 (Cariboo-91Ë¿¹ÏÊÓƵ) is located in the interior of British Columbia and welcomes international and non-resident students if the necessary criterion is met.

Students may study at a local school for a term, a semester, a year, or for several years in order to expand their English language or to graduate from a Canadian high school. We offer the following at our schools:

  • A school year of September to June
  • Grades 8-12 (ages 13 and over) for secondary school study
  • Grades K-7 (ages 5-12) for elementary school study
  • Kindergarten is full days each day and students must be 5 years of age at December 31 of that particular year
  • Excellent academic programs leading to BC high school graduation
  • English as a Second Language/English as a Second Dialect instruction (Early Language Learning – ELL)
  • Early French Immersion for all grades

Check out other links in our website for more detailed information about programs offered in 91Ë¿¹ÏÊÓƵ. 27.

**Note: ALL international and non-resident students must have written approval from the Superintendent of Schools or designate before registering at a school in 91Ë¿¹ÏÊÓƵ. 27.**

There are three ways that an international or non-resident student may be registered in 91Ë¿¹ÏÊÓƵ. 27:

  1. No tuition fee
  2. Exchange program
  3. Tuition fee

For no tuition fee or no exchange the following criterions must be met:

  • The child and child’s guardian(s) are ordinarily resident1 in British Columbia;
  • The child’s guardian(s) has a working permit from Canada Immigration for a term of one year or will be attending school;
  • The child is participating in an educational exchange program;
  • The child is in the custody of the Ministry of Children and Family Development;
  • The child resides in British Columbia and has made a claim for refugee status in Canada and whose claim has not yet been determined; OR
  • The child resides in British Columbia and is detained in custody in a youth custody centre.

For the exchange program must be a one student in-one student out of the same district for the same length of time, with the exchange completed within two years. The following is required:

  • The student must hold a student visa from Canadian Immigration
  • The sponsoring organization must obtain a letter from the Superintendent of Schools, or designate, which indicates that the School District is prepared to enroll the student subject to the necessary immigration status being obtained.
  • The number of students approved to attend any specific school will be determined by the Superintendent of Schools, or designate, and at no additional cost to the Board.
  • Students from 91Ë¿¹ÏÊÓƵ. 27 may participate in a recognized educational exchange with the approval of the student’s parent or legal guardian.

For student paying a tuition fee students must meet the following criteria:

  • Tuition fees are reviews annually by the Board of Education and payable in advance by wire transfer, and are non-refundable. A shorter attendance period will be pro-rated relative to the time of attendance.
  • International students enrolled in the School District will have academic ability and proficiency in English such that additional services are not required.
  • Students will be responsible for their own housing; however the School District may provide information to families that may assist the family in finding suitable accommodation.
  • The Board is not responsible for travel arrangements, accommodation, or medical expenses of international students.
  • International students are eligible to register on a yearly basis and extensions beyond one year may be permitted on the recommendation of the school principal to the Superintendent of Schools, or designate.

Tuition Fee:

$13,000 per year


1) 'Ordinarily Resident' definition:

The term ‘ordinarily resident’ is not defined in the School Act; however the term is interpreted by the courts by assessing whether the guardian(s) has: 

  • A ‘settled purpose’ for taking up residence in the community; and
  • Sufficient continuity of residence, despite temporary absences


A child’s ‘parent’ for the purposes of the School Act, means a person who is legally the ‘guardian of the person’ of the child, or a person who is legally entitled to custody, or a person who usually has care and control of the child. These include court-appointed guardians, such as the director of child protection and foster parents. When parents of a child are separated, the Family Relations Act defines the legal guardianship of the child.

A parent who does not live with the child and has no court-ordered rights of custody or access is not a ‘guardian of the person’ of the child and therefore does not have the rights of a ‘parent’ under the School Act.

A legal guardian cannot be appointed by a letter from parents. Persons who are not a child’s parents can become the child’s guardian either by court order under Section 30 of the Family Relations Act or by a will under Section 40 of the Infants’ Act.

The Board of Education is entitled to request necessary documentation to determine ‘ordinarily residency’ and ‘guardianship’.

Application Form

Downloadable Files

Tracy Becker

Manager of District Data

E: education@sd27.bc.ca
T: (250) 398-3811
Contact Tracy Becker for more information.

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