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Teaching and Learning

EASE - Everyday Anxiety Strategies for Educators


SD27 students in grades K-12 engage with ) resources as part of their . EASE was developed by the Ministry of Children and Family Development in collaboration with B.C. educators and many other partners and subject matter experts across the province. 

Mental Health Literacy

Mental Health Literacy is the knowledge and understanding that helps us become responsible, effective and successful in living full and healthy lives. With good mental health literacy we learn how to take better care of ourselves, our loved ones and our communities. We offer training for Grade 7-12 teachers to learn to use the resources from .

Trauma-Informed Yoga

Self-regulation is the brain-body response to stress. It is important for learning that students are able to regulate their bodies and emotions. Many schools are working with yoga professionals to help students learn to use postures and breathing to manage their brain-body response to stressors, whether they are trauma-related or arising from everyday situations or demands. 

Here are two videos that can be accessed online for your information and use at home:

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