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Elementary School Program (K - 7)

91Ë¿¹ÏÊÓƵ. 27 offers full time enrolment to students wishing to study from home for grades K - 7.  Every family is unique in their educational needs and this option provides flexible learning that can fit the needs of families.  

Teacher Role in Student Learning

The teacher's role changes as students move through primary (K - 3), intermediate (4 - 7), and secondary (8 - 12) grades. The School Act requires, "A teacher's responsibilities [to] include designing, supervising and assessing educational programs and instructing, assessing and evaluating individual students and groups of students."  For students in an online learning environment at the primary level the teacher focuses on designing, supervising and assessing the program in conjunction with the parent.  It is the teacher's final responsibility for the design, supervision and assessment but it is recognized that the parent plays a large role in the delivery of the program.  As students advance from primary, to intermediate and then to the secondary grades the parent role changes in how the learning is supported.     

Parental Role in Student Learning

K - 7 students will need a lot of support when learning.  The students teacher will be in touch on a regular basis to provide feedback on student work.  Parents, or other supporting adult, will support the student's work as designed by the teacher.  The home family is responsible for organizing the daily supplies for lessons and it is recommended a little time is taken each night to organize materials for the following day.

Are there In-Person Gatherings or Field Trips?

Online schools, such as GROW, can provide the occasional field trip as designed by a teacher,  As a district, field trips are part of an effective learning experiences often resulting from first-hand observation of, or participation in, events or activities that occur out in the community away from the school. GROW, as an online school, does not have the same physical connection to all students like a campus school does; therefore, parents should not expect field trips to occur as part of their child's academic program.


Please Contact the GROW Program if you have further questions regarding the suitability of your child for Distance Education and the following Page for Registration Information.

Note the Checklist below that will assist you in this regard.

At Present Grades K - 7 are Paper Courses

  • Paper courses allow you to complete your coursework anywhere and at any time of day. Despite this flexibility, learners don't set the pace for their studies. Courses have start and end dates, and instructors set the pace by requiring specific deadlines for all coursework. It is very important for students to keep up with due dates and participate actively in their course.
  • To take a paper-based course, it is ideal that the student will need regular access to a computer in desktop or laptop form (not a tablet or phone) for extended periods of time to complete assignments. You will also need a reliable Internet connection so you can check your student email and Teams regularly as you communicate with your teacher.

Learning via a paper-based course is quite different from learning in a traditional classroom.  Before deciding to enroll in a distance course, students and their parents/guardians must ask themselves the following questions:

  1. As a student I am able to work by myself, or with help from my parent(s)/guardian(s) to do my daily amount of schoolwork?

Yes        OR          No     

  1. Will I be able to devote at least 5 hours per week per course to engaging with course materials and completing assignments?  You may require more or less time, but you should budget for a minimum of 5 hours per week per course.

Yes        OR          No     

  1. Will I have regular access to a computer with a reliable Internet connection for long periods of time to create documents on a computer and use the computer to talk to my teacher?

Yes        OR          No     

  1. As a student I like to read, write, and learn math?

Yes        OR          No       

  1. Do I have a supporting adult who can help me with the course and keep me working on the course (help to motivate me along) if my instructor is not available?

Yes        OR          No     

If students answered "yes" to these questions, then they are a good candidate for distance learning.  If they answered "no" to one or more questions, then online learning may be challenging for the student.

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